The Diagnosis Study, which is under the responsibility of Santiago de Compostela, aims to characterize each WHS and identify the main common challenges faced by each partner in the management of their WHS.

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The Thematic Study on Common Challenges, which is under the responsibility of Florence, has the main common challenges indicated in the Diagnosis Study as its starting point, analysing them in depth and identifying the best practices and recommendations to deal with them.

The study “Thematic Study on Common Challenges” was also published in a paper version (ISBN) in September 2019, under the title: World Heritage Site – Experiences in managing: Governance, Population and Tourism issues.
The Methodology for the development of Management Plans for Urban World Heritage Sites, which is under Porto's responsibility, aims to create a framework that allows all partners to address their common challenges in a uniform way, both at a strategic and operational levels.

Studies-World Heritage Site – Experiences in managing: Governance, Population and Tourism issues
World Heritage Site – Experiences in managing: Governance, Population and Tourism issues
The Methodology for the development of Management Plans for Urban World Heritage Sites, which is under Porto's responsibility, aims to create a framework that allows all partners to address their common challenges in a uniform way, both at a strategic and operational levels.

Studies-Methodology for Strategic/Operational Management and Sustainability Plans
Methodology for the development of Management Plans for Urban World Heritage Sites
The study “Firenze, Santiago de Compostela, Edinburgh, Porto, Bordeaux: mind the map” which is under the responsibility of Bordeaux was produced by Bordeaux Aquitaine Urban Planning Agency in partnership with Bordeaux Métropole and the City of Bordeaux. It is based on European urban atlas data and offers a comparative study of land use in each municipality, in each listed world heritage site and its buffer zone, and explores possibilities for the use of data sourced from Open Street Map.

Studies-Firenze, Santiago de Compostela, Edinburgh, Porto, Bordeaux: 5 UNESCO sites mind the map
Firenze, Santiago de Compostela, Edinburgh, Porto, Bordeaux: mind the map
Wish you were here! is a publication developed within the scope of the action “Local awareness-raising in schools” which presents the collaborative work that Porto has developed with schools. It is edited by the City Museum.

The “Management and Sustainability Plans’ Evaluation”, which is under the responsibility of Bordeaux, aims to evaluate each site’s management strategy, the process of designing the new plans and their capacity to be undertaken accordingly.